Friday, August 2, 2013

SCOM: Invoke method on cross-platform agents with PowerShell

In this post i'll show you how a cross-platform agent can be tested. This is something which Daniele Muscetta already found out. But I also wanted to know how I could troubleshoot cross-platform agents, to test, for example, why a specific workflow like 'run a ssh command' would not work from a management pack. And yes, PowerShell can be used for that, with the Invoke-WSManAction cmdlet.

About Cross-Platform Agents

For those who ever have worked with the cross-platform agents in SCOM, you probably know that they work different than the Windows agents.

Where Windows Agents run their workflows locally on the client, the workflows for cross-platform/xplat agents are ran from the Management Servers.

Windows systems support different ways of remote connecting, not present in cross-platform systems. Cross-platform agents are actually listeners based on WS-Man, Web Services-Management. This makes use of a SOAP-based protocol.

When the Management Server starts a workflow, it connects to the cross-platform agent through WS-Man. It retrieves the required information and processes the returned information.

Connecting with cross-platform agents

I'll won't copy the post of Daniele Muscetta here. These are the main requirements when connecting from any client other than a management server. If you don't use this option, you'll have to add the agent to the trusted hosts list of the WS-Man client on the computer you are working on and allow unencrypted traffic.

  • Connecting over SSL
    • Download the agent's certificate (which is signed by the management server) with SCP (use WinSCP or FileZilla)
    • Rename to .cer
    • Open this certificate on the management server which installed the agent. This is because this server signed the certificate.
    • Open the details tab, get the Root CA certificate, export it to a .cer file
    • Add certificate to Trusted Root Certificate Authorities on your workstation's computer certificate store.
  • Untrusted connection (by default disabled for the WS-Man Windows client)
    • Open Powershell (as Administrator)
    • Enter: set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\AllowUnencrypted "true"
    • Enter: set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts ""

Time to play

To test a cross-platform agent with PowerShell I use the following cmdlets:
  • Test-WSMan - Test whether a connection can be made
  • Invoke-WSMan - Invoke an action that is accepted by the agent
Test-WSMan -computer linuxhost.contoso.local -port 1270 -authentication basic -credential (Get-Credential) -UseSSL

The output of the command is show above. The cmdlet shows the properties of the Cross-Platform agent.

Invoke-WSManAction -Action ExecuteCommand -Authentication Basic -ComputerName "linuxhost.contoso.local" -Credential (Get-Credential) -Port 1270 -ResourceURI -UseSSL -ValueSet @{command="uname -a";timeout=30}

In this example I invoke the action "ExecuteCommand". For this cmdlet to work you need to add a ValueSet. These are the arguments for the ExecuteCommand method. I found the right syntax by trial and error. The need to be entered as a hashtable.
In this case, the arguments are 'command' and 'timeout'.

Technical documentaton about the Methods and the necessary arguments: (not the best documented features sadly).

You can also take a look at the MP library:


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